Empowering the next generation

A resilient, healthy, and successful generation of young people,
who have equal opportunities to thrive,
benefits everyone.

We are bipoc apostrophe

Investing in BIPOC Youth

Our organization is fully dedicated to supporting BIPOC youth in the Pacific Northwest, offering various programs and services to help them thrive. We tackle problems such as gun violence and drug abuse. We offer support for those impacted by juvenile detention or human trafficking. We provide education and training in financial literacy, job readiness, and independent living skills, as well as recreational opportunities. We strive to empower and support our BIPOC youth so they can lead healthy and successful lives.



We embrace diversity and an inclusive environment that recognizes and values the unique contributions and abilities of all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.


We believe that everyone should be treated with fairness and dignity. We show respect by listening actively, showing kindness, and understanding others’ perspectives.


The well-being of BIPOC youth is at the heart of our organization. This means good living conditions, fulfilling employment, good mental and physical health, safety, and social connectedness.

The history of slavery in the United States and the systematic efforts to deprive BIPOC communities of the support and resources they deserved (education, political participation, healthcare, and more) persists today. We are here to change that.

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